Online Courses
Seminars for Stronger Relationships (Online self-help seminars)
Communication Seminars:

Communication Part 1: The 4 Pitfalls of Communication
In this 25-30 minute seminar, Dr. Swinton will help you learn what common communication pitfalls you might be using that have been proven to damage relationships over time.

Communication Part 2: The 5 Keys to Healthy Communication
In this 45-60 minute seminar, Dr. Swinton will help you learn what healthy communication looks like, and how to apply these healthy skills in your relationships.

Communication Part 3: Communication Cautions
In this 25-30 minute seminar, Dr. Swinton will help you learn what common communication pitfalls you might be using that have been proven to damage relationships over time.
Complete Communication Seminars Bundle (62% off individual seminar prices):

Complete Communication Course (Parts 1, 2, and 3)
Get all three of Dr. Swinton's communication courses for this limited-time discounted bundle option (62% off the normal non-bundled price)!
Course Bundle
*Seminars for Stronger Relationships is not counseling.